Lets guesstimate that an average pair of Uggs costs between $130- $160. Now lets take the lump some of money and apply it to something stylish.
Here we have a beautiful pair of Militia Booties found on Modcloth.com with both Chestnut and Mocha worked into the boot. Now you don't have to choose!
Militia Booties $127.99
And here for those few of you devoted to black, a soft leather pair of Buckle Boots from Urban Outfitters.
Buckle Boot $98
Each under $160. Each making a difference in my daily near-drownings in a sea of Uggs.
I just found this website. It made me laugh.
http://www.igotuggs.com---the name explains itself.
Any alternative to the Ugg is a fabulous one. I just want those things out of sight and out of mind forever.
I love your independent mind and classy, but accessible sense of style! I think more people should read your blog. The eyesores might go away!
She Who Has An Eye For Talent
Hey, I go to OU and I read your blog all the time! I agree with you on the subject of Uggs... they're everywhere! I have several pairs of boots that I love because they are entirely different, and stand out in a sea of brown, chestnut, and black suede. I will be honest though... I do have a pair of Uggs, though I only wear them to work when I'm on break because they are comfortable, or around Athens when it is extremely cold.
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